OET stands for Occupational English Training and is opted by specialized professionals like doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.
We are here to provide you the Best OET Training Center in Dubai.
Termed as English language proficiency tests like IELTS, PTE, and TOEFL but has been opted by professionals, it focuses majorly on communication in healthcare professional settings with that of providing a reliable and valid assessment of all four language skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writing.
Here’s a list of some helpful tips which can help you sail through your Best OET Training Center in Dubai preparation journey:
- Start Early
The time to start has been dependent on the current level of English but even the candidates having language level is test ready still needs to have the proper preparation. OET is the high-stakes English test. The results are used by organizations that require the highest level of security as well as validity from them. The successful candidate would be held responsible for the safety and health of patients.
- Be realistic with yourself
Since OET is life-changing, there is the need to achieve higher grades of OET to develop the potential to be in a foreign country changing the way of working and living. This could be achieved by taking the self-assessment with complete loyalty and asking for the feedback on the writing and speaking.
● Know your weakness
Instead of completely focusing on the total number of questions being done right or how well the performance has been given in Speaking and Writing, it’s good to regulate the strengths along with identifying the weakness.
The weakness could be known by answering the questions such as where is the mistake being made such as the improper reading of a question or having the lack of vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
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- Understand assessment criteria
Along with the motive of understanding the weakness and regularising them as per the aim of clearing the exam, there needs to have a clear understanding of the expectations of an assessor to be demonstrated within the test.
For every part of the test, the proper information has been provided about the way of dealing with assessment. This includes the sections majorly focused on the writing and speaking being considered as the level descriptors of each criterion that would help in achieving the higher grades in OET.
- Improve your skills
On having a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses, there needs a sufficient amount of time to enhance them. This does not include the way of practicing the test after the practice test. This needs the idea of being familiar with the format of the test. This needs the way to focus more on language skills.
It could be achieved by watching the OET Masterclasses even in case it has been watched once. This will lead to generating new knowledge of what it needs to be improved. It will provide a clear understanding of the ways of applying the new strategies as per the aim of achieving the new success.
It could be improved by joining the Live Q+A session which is held twice a month. It would help in the preparation of OET based questions.
- Apply whenever you are ready
In the case of applying for OET based assessment, it must be applied in case only when the level of confidence has been provided with that of developing language skills needed to achieve the grades you want. With the proper preparation, accurate assessment of tests could be done with the need of resisting and repeated study.
With the aim of achieving success and clearing the OET, the best way is to practice over the mock tests as much as possible. This will increase learning abilities and writing skills. Along with this, there needs to have a proper study plan set as per the defined dates. This will lead to achieving success in a limited time interval with that of focusing on the concept of doing hard work along with that of smart work.
Read Also:-What is IELTS?