Occupational English Test


OET is an international English language test that assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals. The best institute for OET courses in Dubai covers all four language skills with an emphasis on communication in a healthcare environment. OET courses institute in al Nahda is accepted as proof of English proficiency for visas, study, registration, and employment in healthcare.

1) Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment and partnering with Australian Research Council and university Melbourne
2) Training Certificate from the Institute

What You Will Learn

OET is trusted by regulators, hospitals & universities in the UK, the US, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, and Singapore When you are in an English-speaking environment, OET gives you confidence for safe and effective practice under:

  • Patient Safety and quality care
    OET is designed to imitate the critical tasks of workplace settings and measure candidates' abilities across the language skills
  • Patient Safety and quality care:
    OET is designed to imitate the critical tasks of workplace settings and measure candidates' abilities across the language skills
  • Ability to communicate-
    OET test takers are effective communicators on matters that are technical and emotional
  • Test materials developed by experts
    The materials are piloted, and trial results subjected to statistical analysis to confirm validity and reliability
  • High secure test you can trust
    Delivered in 40 countries through secure facilities with highly trained staff. Robust identity checks, extensive malpractice checks, and test material assessed centrally
  • Valid and reliable
    The majority owned by Cambridge Assessment English and partnering with the Australian Research Council and the university of Melbourne, OET has featured prominently in research literature relating to language testing in a specific context. The best occupational English institute in al Nahda.

Exam Details

  • Eligibility
    OET has been developed for 12 healthcare professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology, and Veterinary Science
  • Exam Type
    ● OET is available in two formats
    ● OET on paper at test venue
    ● OET on computer at Test venue
    ● The level of difficulty, tasks and format will be the same